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Photograph of a purported UFO in Passaic, New Jersey, taken on July 31, 1952. Source: Wikimedia Commons

I have been interested in UFOs for a long time. I remember my mother watching television shows about UFOs and aliens when I was a little boy. It scared me at the time. I was afraid of what was alien or foreign. It’s actually hard for me to explain why I was so scared. I felt afraid of the vulnerability of having these advanced beings coming to our planet and doing what they wanted, seemingly with impunity, and with unknown motives. I think it is the same type of terror that little kids probably feel when the go to the doctor.

I also remember a time when my parents and me were traveling. I was probably around 8-10 years of age. I remember being in a hotel room (I have no idea where at this point – it’s been too long) and there was a special on television about the alleged crash of flying disc in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. I was flabbergasted about the information being presented that a UFO crashed and it and the occupants may have been retrieved by the US Army! Could it really be true? My Dad seemed to believe that it was possible. I thought about it periodically in the years that followed. I read many books about UFOs and, of course, the Roswell incident was surely mentioned in some of them. Then, while in college, I read Karl T. Pflock’s book “Roswell: Inconvenient Truths and the Will to Believe.” Basically, Mr. Pflock said that his research led him to the conclusion that the US Air Force’s 1994 explanation that the Roswell incident was actually the result of a crashed high altitude balloon experiment called Project Mogul, was correct.

I actually felt relief after I read Mr. Pflock’s book! I felt like I had finally landed upon the answer about what happened in the high desert of rural New Mexico decades ago! It was a relief not to have to wonder anymore whether a UFO had actually crashed, and it’s dead (and possibly one living) occupants had been cordoned off from public view.

Fast forward to 2022. Somehow, I was led to the book “Witnesses to Roswell: the 75th Anniversary Edition” by Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt. I recently finished it (actually, I’m in the notes at the end of the book) and…. WOW.

If you have not read this book and you are reading this blog, I invite you to read the book. I have no affiliation with the authors or the publisher. I’m just a regular human being that had my mind completely CHANGED by this book.

Mr. Carey and Mr. Schmitt have done decades of ‘boots on the ground’ research into the Roswell incident. Their book, in my opinion, is the gold standard of commentary on that history making event. I had previously believed that the Roswell incident was simply the crash of this, then classified, high altitude balloon platform for spying on Russia. Now, I believe that it is possible that a craft, not of human origin, inexplicably crashed in the high desert of New Mexico (appropriately nicknamed the land of enchantment – You go New Mexico!). I actually do believe it.

If this is true, THIS IS HUGE! (No reference to former president Donald Trump intended). But yes, THIS IS HUGE!

I really think this is important. I know there is a lot of crazy stuff going on this world (looking at you Russia), but I think that the potential power of this historic event, the Roswell incident, for changing the human paradigm is uber potent. Former US President Ronald Reagan is purported to have said, “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” I think he said it well, and I would add that I don’t even think it needs to be a threat. What if we all sudden realized that were on the same team? Team Human!

Regardless of whether it would improve the human condition to have the full disclosure of what REALLY happened near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, I think inquiring minds want to know… I know that I do.

To that end, I have contact the offices of my congressperson and one of my state’s US senators (I only remember the name of one of them, and I am not going to tell you who it is because I don’t want the other one to be offended) with plans to request that they submit legislation to require full disclosure of all information from any US agency regarding the Roswell incident and any subsequent information related to it. I want full transparency. No redactions, no excuses. No half truths. Just the full truth in entirety regarding this truly interesting event in American history. I encourage you to contact anyone and everyone with the same request. It’s time for the truth.

Fort Worth Army-Air Force — Brig. General Roger Ramey, left, holding telegram, and Col. Thomas J. DuBose looking over wind-forecasting device from Roswell, New Mexico, 07/08/1947. Source: https://library.uta.edu/roswell/images. Unchanged.

It was not a weather balloon. If you believe that, please check your facts as you are at least 28 years behind the times as even the United States Air Force isn’t saying that anymore. C’mon… get with it.

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