They do exist, because we are “they.”

Perhaps we are the result of colonization by one of the most advanced species in the universe

I was recently listening to “a Spotify podcast” entitled “Where Are All the Aliens” on the show “Conspiracy Theories” and the host described a paper by astrophysicist Michael H. Hart, in which Hart claimed that if there was life out there in the universe, an advanced species would have already colonized the universe, and since they are not here, then they do not exist. It’s an interesting assumption. However, WE ARE HERE. I suspect that we are a result of the colonization effort of that very advanced species that Dr. Hart was claiming does not exist. In my opinion, there are some assumptions which are so simple that they tend to be self evident.

Consider the simple phrase, from the Rene Descartes philosophy, “I think, therefore I am.”1 We do believe that we exist. We are experiencing a reality that we can describe. Further, we believe that we are a sentient and intelligent species. The simple assumption that, I believe, is self evident is that if we are, then they are. If life arose in the universe at one site and one point in time, then it is possible that it does happen elsewhere with some degree of statistical regularity.

If we are, then they are.

As one who has read multiple books on UAPs, UFOs, and the alien abduction phenomenon, as well as one who has read much literature regarded as ancient scripture, I am left feeling that the conclusion is that we are a result of the colonization efforts of an advanced intelligence. We frame our interactions with this advanced intelligence in different ways based upon our language, culture, traditions, experiences, and beliefs. The common thread that I perceive permeating many traditions is that:

we are (in that we do exist), and we are progressing toward something, and others (them) are helping us to progress.

I simply have come to the conclusion – based upon written records, personal experiences, traditions of my fathers, and hearing the shared experiences of others – that THERE IS an advanced colonizing civilization that is propagating the universe and we are their offspring.

The writings above are original thoughts authored in full by the owner and editor of this blog. The image above, and the image alone, was created by ChatGPT4o/DALLE.

  1. Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, May 31). Cogito, ergo sum. Wikipedia.,_ergo_sum
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